Cindi Handley Goodeaux lives in Florida with her husband and muse. She is a proud mom, graphic designer wannabe, and sometime poet. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and a professional member of the Cat Writers Association (CWA). Crimson Cloak Publishing publishes her children’s books.
As a lifelong disability advocate, she serves on the board of her employer’s disability affinity group, advocating for rights for people with disabilities (PWD) in the workplace and statewide.
Cindi is the author of six children’s books, with a seventh currently being illustrated. Her Jellibean Adventures series seeks to normalize disabilities for children. She accomplishes this through positive characters with invisible and visible disabilities and simple language that correlates things like “dancing on feet or wheels”, and “singing out loud or signing with happy hands”. Grandpa Moon is a healing story that can help families with small children coping with loss. Her book Bunky & Lulu: Find Their Place shows that perseverance pays off and everyone has a purpose in this life.
Her most recent book is Ishkabbible Unafraid, a story about a monster afraid of children that encounters a human afraid of monsters. Ishkabibble Unafraid is a fun rhyming story about overcoming fears and making new friends that differ from us. Aside from her children’s books, Cindi has an eBook collection of her poetry on Amazon Kindle.
Cindi’s book Mama’s Map: Jellibean Adventures Book 2 won a Certificate of Excellence from the Cat Writers Association. A lifelong lover of the written word, Cindi often finds herself working with various boards of directors and editing newsletters. She was the newsletter editor of two clown organizations, one local and one regional. She is the editor for her employer’s departmental newsletter and has written as a cub reporter for their internal news channel and blog.
Her dream to become a published author began at 12 years old after an anthology included a poem she had written. It was then that the dream of holding a book in her hands with her name on the cover was born.
In another life, Cindi was a professional clown by the name of Giggle Blossom. She worked hard to create an approachable and non-threatening character that was based on a 6–8-year-old child. It was during this time that she rediscovered the magical world of children. She loved viewing the world through the eyes of a child and found this would later provide inspiration for her stories.
Last year, she started a small business, WriteCute Author Services, serving the author community as a copyeditor and graphic designer. She has designed bookmarks, activity books, business cards, and more. Cindi loves to find fresh ways to help authors promote their hard work. To promote her own, Cindi has handmade necklaces, hair clips, and backpack charms that feature her characters. She has a natural talent for finding creative and inexpensive marketing methods. Cindi’s next book in line to be published is The Art of Friendship, book 4 in the Jellibean Adventures series.
Cindi’s Artist Statement: I live life creatively, seeking to use my enthusiasm, knowledge, and humor to teach, motivate, inspire, and entertain.